Zarrar Sheikh
October 7, 2021

About Zarrar Sheikh

The gym is perhaps the most important component of daily life. Yes, a component like many others.

Zarrar Sheikh is an entrepreneur who implements software development, marketing, writing and product development. He works frequently as a business analyst for many of his clients across New York. His greatest satisfaction is seeing the product delivered. Writing books and seeing them in paperback is exciting and dynamic.

He has several websites across New York City in many different markets and locations.

A freelancer, writer designer , Zarrar has written for several different companies. The best satisfaction he finds in placing his words across the page with his own flair to it. He takes great joy in creating an emotional connection with the readers through his words.

His belief is that the more you go to the gym, the better your projects will be. "There is a link between exercise, and the quality of work I hand over to my clients." States Zarrar.

He can be seen as a "gym rat" often at 5AM. "I like to be at the gym at 5AM and return before 7AM and catch up on the day's news, and project deadlines. Because there aren't enough hours in a day to squeeze in physical fitness, I find myself going before the proverbial day begins."

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